Reasons your kid should use a standing frame

Kids who rely on wheelchairs for everyday transportation must get the chance to shift positions during the day. One technique to reduce the risk of consequences from extended wheelchair use or immobility is to stand in a standing frame. Being upright has major psychological advantages for many kids as well, including enhanced social and cognitive development, higher self-esteem, and enhanced self-actualization.

Typically, a child’s private as well as early intervention physio or occupational therapist will examine them for a standing program. This might happen as early as 10 to 12 months of age. This is around the time when their friends, who are typically growing, would start to stand. If you are seeking to buy a standing frame for your toddler, read the full blog to acknowledge its benefits.

To whom will the standing frame be advantageous?

The use of a stander may be beneficial for children who cannot be active when standing up. They can be non-ambulatory. Generally speaking, employing a stander as an aspect of a regular posture management program may be beneficial for kids. It will help with a range of neurological illnesses, including children with cerebral palsy as well as genetic abnormalities.

The toddlers who are meeting their gross motor objectives on schedule will usually pull themselves up to stand at about 9 or 10 months of age. They will eventually be able to walk on their own between the ages of 12 and 15 months. However, a standard can assist in making sure that a kid still receives all the advantages of being a child, even if they have certain developmental conditions that affect their capacity to bear weight.

Major perks of a standing frame for kids

Increasing and Preserving Skeletal Mineral Density

The durability of bones is gauged by bone density. Children who are normally growing get the bone density as well as strength necessary for growth when they stand and walk while bearing weight. Standers can assist in keeping a kid in a fully weight-bearing posture so they can benefit from the same advantages and guarantee the strongest potential growth and development of their skeletal system. According to research, utilizing a stander for at least five days a week for roughly sixty minutes a day may improve bone mineral density.

Preserving Skin Integrity

Toddlers who are unable to move or reposition themselves on their own are more susceptible to blistering and skin disintegration. A standing frame plays a crucial role in preventing pressure sores by properly placing and releasing weight from delicate body parts. One such useful technique is to relieve pressure on these delicate areas. It is particularly the sacrum. This is to use a standard.

Blood Circulation/Cardiovascular Function

Maintaining a wrong posture while carrying weight will assist toddlers in lowering their heart rate. They can maintain blood pressure and lower extremity edema. When independent uprightness is not possible, standards can assist in achieving this objective.

Preserving the Integrity in the Hip Joint

As infants mature, their ability to stand, cruise, and eventually walk on their own contributes to their development. This is due to the appropriate degree of congruence in the hip joints, which results in more stable hips. One useful component of a hip monitoring regimen to avoid dislocation is the use of a stander.

In terms of hip joint development, standards that enable a child’s hips to be further positioned are fruitful. They can offer customizable degrees of hip abduction. It is a movement in which the legs extend out onto the side far from the midline.

Reducing Spasticity and Preserving Joint Range of Motion 

Standers can assist children who have special needs in minimizing muscular spasticity. It is helpful in maintaining their range of motion. This is particularly frequent in diseases like cerebral palsy. One tactic to assist in the control of symptoms of neurological diseases is a standing frame. It can help reduce hypertonia as well as spasticity in the muscles.

Therefore, standers can also lower the chance of developing muscular contractures, which are conditions in which the muscles become excessively spastic along with tight that manual lengthening is no longer possible and often necessitates an operation to relax the tight muscle.


Standing over extended periods of time increases a child’s sense of self-efficacy. This is possibly one of the stander’s biggest advantages. It is because they can see the world on the same level as their siblings, close friends, and other peers/friends. The children who utilize a stander for experiencing it in a supportive standing posture frequently develop confidence. To buy such products, you can reach Bridgeway Medical Systems.


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